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王华昆 助理教授



Email: hkwang@xmu.edu.cn


天津大学,船舶与海洋工程系,工学博士,2015.09-2020.12 (硕博连读)






















2018.01-2020.12,“在役深海油气采输结构局部损伤演化机理与安全寿命评估”第二批广西创新驱动科技重大专项(Guike AA17292007)

2014.01- 2017.06,“深海水下油气输送系统安全运行与风险控制”国家重点基础研发计划973项目(2014CB046803)

2013.01- 2017.06,“复杂环境下深海工程结构动力特性与安全可靠性研究”国家自然科学基金重点项目(51239008)


王华昆(4/8). 大跨度桥梁拉吊索智能管养成套技术研发与应用. 厦门市科技进步奖一等奖,(2022-J-1-09-R4) 2022-03-21.

王华昆(4/15). 新型一体化平台与管道系统结构优化和耐久性研究及应用,中国造船工程学会科技进步奖一等奖,(2019XHJ-18) 2019-12-2.


王华昆, 余杨, 高婧,张尧. ABAQUS在工程中的应用——基于Python脚本的参数化设计. 厦门大学出版社, 2023,ISBN 978-7-5615-9110-9.

余建星, 王华昆, 余杨, 韩宇. 深海管道试验的数值模拟理论及应用——ABAQUS参数化设计中的Python脚本. 天津大学出版社, 2019. ISBN 978-7-5618-6350-3.


Huakun Wang*, Yang Yu, Yunze Xu, Jing Gao. A unified model and simulation method for elastoplastic stress–erosion interaction. Tribology International. 2024, 191, 109111.

Huakun Wang, Xiaoyu Zhao, Yang Yu, Yesen Zhu, Qiliang Zhang, Yunze Xu*. Numerical simulation method of Erosion-Corrosion of high-pressure X65 pipe bends in CO2 corrosion environment. Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design. 2024. (Accepted)

Huakun Wang*, Yang Yu, Yunze Xu, Sujuan Zhang, Xiubo Li. A simple approach for coarse particle stress-erosion test with experimental validation. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2022, 31, 5823–5836

Huakun Wang, Jing Gao, Tao Liu*, Yang Yu, Weipeng Xu, Zhenzhou Sun. Axial buckling behavior of H-piles considering mechanical-electrochemical interaction induced damage. Marine Structures, 2022, 83, 103157.

Huakun Wang*, Tongmu Liu, Yao Zhang, Yesen Zhu, Fangzhou Liu, Tongyao Wang. A fully coupled tribocorrosion simulation method for anchor chain considering mechano-electrochemical interaction. Lubricants. 2022, 10, 330.  

Huakun Wang, Yang Yu*, Weipeng Xu, Zhenmian Li, Sizhe Yu. Time-variant burst strength of pipe with corrosion defects considering mechano-electrochemical interaction. Thin-Wall Structures. 2021, 169: 108479.

Huakun Wang, Yang Yu*, Jianxing Yu, Zhaoyu Wang, Haoda Li. Development of erosion equation and numerical simulation methods with the consideration of applied stress. Tribology International. 2019, 137: 387–404.

Huakun Wang*, Yang Yu**, Jianxing Yu, Weipeng Xu, Sizhe Yu, Xiubo Li. Numerical simulation of the erosion of pipe bends with the consideration of fluid-induced stress and surface scar evolution. Wear. 2019, 440-441: 203043.

Huakun Wang, Yang Yu*, Jianxing Yu, Haicheng Chen, Mengxue Han. Effect of pitting defects on the buckling strength of thick-wall cylinder under axial compression. Construction & Building Materials. 2019, 224: 226–241.

Huakun Wang, Yang Yu*, Jianxing Yu, Jinghui Duan, Yu Zhang, Zhenmian Li, Caimei Wang. Effect of 3D random pitting defects on the collapse pressure of pipe — Part I: Experiment. Thin-Wall Structures. 2018, 127: 512-526.

Huakun Wang, Yang Yu*, Jianxing Yu, Chenghang Jin, Yan Zhao, Zhiyuan Fan, Yu Zhang. Effect of 3D random pitting defects on the collapse pressure of pipe — Part II: Numerical analysis. Thin-Wall Structures. 2018, 129: 527-541.

Bing Lei, Hua-Kun Wang, Ke-Hui Wu, Jing Gao*, Lu-Jian Chen*. Light-Driven Folding Liquid Crystal Elastomer Catapult with Improved Morphing Velocity. Adv. Intell. Syst. 2023, 2200360.

Weipeng Xu, Huakun Wang*, Yang Yu, Zhenzhou Sun, Haoda Li, Yan Zhao, Yiqin Fu. Study on the applicability of micro-groove erosion mitigation method based on stress-erosion coupling simulation. Tribology International. 2022, 174: 107746.

Jianxing Yu, Huakun Wang*, Yang Yu, Zhen Luo, Weidong Liu, Caimei Wang. Corrosion behavior of X65 pipeline steel: Comparison of wet–dry cycle and full immersion. Corrosion Science. 2018. 133: 276–287.

Jianxing Yu, Huakun Wang*, Zhiyuan Fan, Yang Yu. Computation of plastic collapse capacity of 2D ring with random pitting corrosion defect. Thin-Wall Structures. 2017, 119: 727–736.

Jing Gao, Xintao Zhang, Huakun Wang*, Longyun Chen. Random corrosion characteristics of high strength steel wire after 18 years of service and the numerical reconstruction method. Structures, 2023, 51: 498–512.

Yang Yu, Weipeng Xu, Huakun Wang*, Shengbo Xu. Influence of FRP arrestors on the dynamic collapse and implosion of underwater pipelines. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 264,  112461.

Yang Yu, Zhenzhou Sun, Huakun Wang*, Jing Gao, Zhiwei Chen. Time variant characteristic of steel cable considering stress-corrosion deterioration. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, 328, 127038.

Tongmu Liu, Jianxing Yu, Huakun Wang*, Yang Yu, Haoda Li, Baocheng Zhou. Modified method for determination of wear coefficient of reciprocating sliding wear and experimental comparative study. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022, 10, 1014.

Zhenzhou Sun, Yang Yu, Huakun Wang*, Shanshan Huang, Jiefeng Chen. Dynamic response analysis of offshore converter station based on Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element (VFIFE) method. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022, 10, 749.

Tao Liu, Wenze Wang, Huakun Wang*, Binjian Su. Improved damping reduction factor models for different response spectra. Engineering Structures, 2021, 246: 113012.

BingLei, Zhi-Yuan Wen, Hua-Kun Wang, Jing Gao, Lu-Jian Chen. Bioinspired Jumping Soft Actuators of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Enabled by Photo-Mechanical Coupling. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, (Accepted)

Jianxing Yu, Weipeng Xu*, Yang Yu, Huakun Wang, Haoda Li, Shengbo Xu, Mengxue Han. Effectiveness of concrete grouting method for deep-sea pipeline repairs. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 169, 108336.

Zhiyuan Fan*, Jianxing Yu, Zhenzhou Sun, Huakun Wang. On the effect of axial length parameters of ovality on the collapse pressure of pipelines. Thin-Wall Structures. 2017, 116: 19–25.

Yu Jian-xing, Han Meng-xue, Duan Jing-hui*, Yu Yang, Wang Hua-kun. The research on the different loading paths of pipes under combined external pressure and axial tension. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019, 160: 219-228.

Jianxing Yu, Haoda Li, Yang Yu, Xin Liu,Weipeng Xu, Huakun Wang, Pengfei Liu. Numerical Investigation of Liquid-solid Erosion in Unbonded Flexible Pipes. International Journal of Pressure Vessel and Piping, 2022, 199, 104743.

王华昆*,王彤瑶,余杨. 高压异径管应力—冲蚀耦合损伤特性及结构优化. 压力容器. 2024, (Accepted)

王华昆刘方舟高婧*. 粗颗粒—壁面碰撞试验分析及随机反弹模型构建. 海洋工程2023, (Accepted)

王华昆,余杨*,孙震洲. 中空细长圆柱壳内爆机理及其诱导链式失效研究. 船舶力学,202327(08):1208-1220

王华昆余建星*. 考虑荷载效应的三维颗粒冲蚀数值模拟. 中国造船2019, 60(4), 66-72.

王华昆余建星*. 不规则细砂的统计特性及二维三维数值模拟. 天津大学学报. 2019, 52(4): 383-391.

王华昆,高婧*,余杨. 深海多金属结核物理特性及其对采输过程的影响概述. 海洋开发与管理, 2023,40(03): 53-64.

王华昆,高婧*,蔡毅华. 深海多金属结核宏观形貌及生长模拟研究. 海洋工程, 2022, 40(05):121-131.

余杨,王华昆*. 中型邮轮玻璃幕墙波浪砰击载荷研究. 中国造船, 2021, 62(3): 13-27.

余建星*王华昆. 新点蚀萌生和生长随机模型. 天津大学学报. 2017, 50(11): 1191-1198.

李修波刘可安王华昆*. 后挖沟深度对深海海底管道屈曲影响数值分析. 海洋工程. 2020, 38(3), 153-161.

冯岩余建星王文涛王华昆*. 铺管船月池结构减阻优化设计.船舶工程202143(12): 24-31+138.


Huakun Wang. Experimental analysis and random rebound model development of coarse particle-wall collisions. SUT 2023 Conference, Haikou, China.

Huakun Wang. A general model and simulation method for elastoplastic stress-erosion interaction. CCCM2023,

Huakun Wang. A multi-physics simulation framework for the Erosion-Corrosion prediction of high-pressure pipe in CO2 corrosion environment. SUT 2022 Conference, Qingdao, China.

Huakun Wang. Numerical simulation method of Erosion-Corrosion of high-pressure X65 pipe bends in CO2 corrosion environment. 2022 International Conference on Corrosion Protection and Application (ICCPA2022), Chengdu, Sichuan, China.

Huakun Wang. Tribocorrosion simulation method of anchor chain considering mechano-electrochemical interaction. SUT 2021 Conference, Dalian, China.


王华昆*,高婧,陈兰英. 面向工程应用的土木工程结构设计一体化课程体系设置及教学方法创新 [J]. 高教学刊, 2023, 9 (35): 107-111.


王华昆等. 一种张力式模块组合深水养殖网箱 (发明,ZL 2019 1 0446744.9)

王华昆等. 一种张力式模块组合深水养殖网箱的安装方法 (发明ZL 201910446085.9)

王华昆陶华冰等. 单极板、双极板以及电解水装置 (实用新型CN 217973433 U)

王华昆陶华冰等. 一种圆形双极板流道结构及电解池 (实用新型CN 217788456 U)

王华昆陶华冰等. 氢气泄漏模拟试验装置 (实用新型CN 202222465269.X)

王华昆,王东东等. 一种重力驱动式的大颗粒应力-冲蚀试验装置 (实用新型202122107792.0)

王华昆. 一种张力式超大型模块组合深水养殖网箱(实用新型2019207717969)

余建星王华昆. 一种深海矿物浮力自升式提升方法 (发明ZL 201911201266.1)

余建星,王华昆. 干湿交替下的海洋结构物应力腐蚀试验装置(发明ZL201610901488.4)

余建星,王华昆. 海洋立管外腐蚀疲劳试验装置(发明ZL201610825227.9)

余建星,王华昆. 深海管道应力腐蚀复杂加载试验装置(发明ZL201610825782.1)

余建星,王华昆. 一种浮力自升式的大块海底矿物提升系统 (实用新型201922104643.1)

余建星,王华昆. 一种浮力自升式提升舱. (实用新型201922106139.5)



Lubricants特刊“Erosion-Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Characteristics of Hydraulic and Marine Structures”客座编辑

Thin-wall Structures、Tribology International、Journal of constructional steel research、Journal of Structural Engineering、CORROSION、International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics、力学季刊、Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences等审稿人
