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Mr. Hisamitsu Sakai came to visit School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Publish Date:2018/03/22 Views:

Mr. Hisamitsu Sakai and Mr. Sakasegawa Hiroyuki, Principal and vice-principal of Chiba Nikken Postsecondary Training College, Japan came to visit School of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SACE) in March 11th, 2018, accompanying by lecturer Ms. Kaisyo Chisako, lecturer Mr. Ueno Satoshi, lecturer Ms. Go Sei, Mr. Ri Kenfuku and Mr. Oh Kinjun. Dr. Song Daifeng, assistant professor in SACE host the meeting.

Dr. Song firstly gave a brief introduction about SACE, the academic competence of both undergraduate and postgraduate students, curriculum provision, and graduate’s employment status. Then, they exchanged the ideas about architectural development degree between China and Japan, and discussed the impact of building component growing and the ageing population problems on architecture in depth.

