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The students of School of architecture students won two special first prize and Universal second prize on the seventh annual contest of BIM
Publish Date:2016/06/10 Views:

After several days of endeavor, our students played hard in the finals of the 7th "TH Sware cup" building information model (BIM) application skills contest of national colleges  and won two special first prize in engineering management and engineering design, and the universal second prize. This is the best performance achived ever sinceXiamen University started to participate in the game.


"ChengSha team" of Xiamen university was composed of  five students ,Wang Weixun, Wang Changqing, Huang Wenjin, Yang Anran, Qiao Haoshuai from Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the instructor is associate professor, Zhou Hong from Department of Civil Engineering. After a half-year of works collection, selection, software training and race preparation, the team took part in the national finals in Shandong Construction University In the afternoon of Jun.3.
