Lab Intro: The Structural Engineering Laboratory
Publish Date:2019/05/28 Views:

Founding in 2005, the Structural Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering is located at Siming Campus, the Xiamen University.

 The laboratory occupies 545 square meters. It constructed two reaction walls (8mx9m), one strong-floor (21mx9m) and a 10-ton overhead crane. It is well-equipped with about 180 sets of testing machines, which value 8 million Yuan. There are 5 electro-hydraulic servo controlled actuators and control systems, including  Switzerland W+b multichannel system for multi-axial structural testing of large-scale structural elements and subassemblies under monotonic or quasi-static cyclic loading or quasi-dynamic loading, binary channels system for biaxial structural testing of large-scale structural elements and subassemblies under static loading whose max load capacity is less than 2000 KN, single channel system for axial structural testing of large-scale subassemblies under static loading whose max load capacity is less than 500 KN, electro-mechanical universal testing machine system for mechanical property testing of materials whose max load capacity is less than 2000 KN, compression testing machine system for compression testing of large slenderness ratio columns whose max load capacity is less than 8000 KN. Also 3 beam-type loading systems for bending testing of subassemblies whose max load capacity is less than 100 KN,  several data collection and analysis systems and tens of transducers including displacement transducers, rotation transducers, pressure transducers, strain gages, accelerometers and load cells.

The laboratory undertakes experiment teaching for senior students and help students complete the innovative experiment or structural design contest. It also supports carrying out the on-going research issues of faculties and graduate students of the Department of Civil Engineering. It`s a practice base of undergraduate students too.

There are 3 staffs serve in the laboratory, including an associate professor and two lab technicians. Their mainly task is to teach students course of the Theory and Practice of Structural Experiment and complete experiments.

Figure 1 Lab arrangement

Figure 2 Servo controlled hydraulic actuators and control systems
