Chen Zhouyi
Publish Date:2015/06/11 Views:

Name: CHEN Zhouyi
Gender: Male
Degree: PH.D.
Title: Associate Professor
Research Interest: 

Reinforced concrete structure

Composite structure

Seismic-Resistant Design of Building Structures

Disaster prevention and mitigation

Courses Taught:

Structural Experiment

Loading and Structure Design Method

Composite Structure

Education Background:

 Ph.D., Structural Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, 2002
Professional Experience:
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University, 2003-2009
Associate Professor, Xiamen University, 2009-
Honors and Awards:
Research Grants: Research have been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, and Science and Technology Planning Project of Fujian Province
Publications(Journal Articles, Books and Translated Books):More than 20 academic papers has been published.
