Shi Jianguang
Publish Date:2015/06/11 Views:

Jianguang Shi

Department: Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University

Title: Professor


Shi Jianguang, male, February 7 1962, Born in Baotou of Inner Mongolia, professor, master tutor. Obtained the qualification of National Supervision Engineer in 1997 and the qualification of National registered structural engineer level in 1998. Graduated from Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology in 1984, majoring in industrial and civil engineering. Obtained Master's degree from Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University in June 1988. Get Dr. job degree from Shanghai University in 2011, majoring in Structural Engineering. Have conducted research in Japan as a national public school senior visiting scholar. Member of China Civil Engineering Society of Professional Committee of renewable concrete, expert of Xiamen City construction project evaluation. Study the high-rise building construction, construction engineering resources reused and structural durability. Have Published nearly 60 papers. The projects Hosted and participated in get Xiamen Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award third prize and second prize. Get a national computer software copyright and a national patent. Taught Introduction to Civil Engineering, Reinforced Concrete Structure, Structure Identification and Reinforcement, Project Management and Structure Selection, Building Mechanics and Structure, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Undergraduate courses and Non-linear Analysis, Master courses. High-rise Building Structure Design get Fujian boutique courses.

Curriculum vitae:

1984.7-1985.9 Teach in Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (formerly the Baotou Iron and Steel Institute);1988.7-2002.9 Teach in Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (formerly the Baotou Iron and Steel Institute); Former Served as department director, deputy director, Department Head and the Officer of Science and Technology Research Center, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology and other duties; 1990.9  Employed as a lecturer;1994.9  Employed exceptionally as an associate professor and master tutor; 2000.6  Employed as a professor; 2002.9-the present, Employed as a professor and master tutor by Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University

Educational background:

1980.9-1984.7 Study in Industrial and Civil Engineering College of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, and Bachelor Graduate; 1985.9-1988.7 Study in Department of Civil Engineering of Tsinghua University and master's graduate; 2005.3-2011.4 Get Dr. job degree of Structural Engineering from Department of Civil Engineering of Shanghai University.

Work Experience:

1984.7-1985.9   Teach in Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (formerly the Baotou Iron and Steel Institute);1988.7-2002.9 Teach in Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology (formerly the Baotou Iron and Steel Institute); Former Served as department director, deputy director, Department Head and the Officer of Science and Technology Research Center, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology and other duties;1990.9  Employed as a lecturer;1994.9  Employed exceptionally as an associate professor and master tutor;2000.6  employed as a professor;2002.9-the present, Employed as a professor and master tutor by Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University, among them, 2004.9-2008.6 served asDirector of Department of Civil Engineering, Xiamen University.


Member of China Civil Engineering Society of Professional Committee of renewable concrete, expert of Xiamen Construction Project Evaluation; The one of main drafters of Structures Seismic Qualification Standards GB 50117-201× and the checking expert Code for Identification Technology of engineering structural reinforcement material safety GB 50×××-201×

Research and teaching:

Study the high-rise building construction, construction engineering resources reused and structural durability. Design of high-rise building structures, Published more than 20 papers in The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Industrial Construction, Journal of Building Structures and other magazines and conferences. The Toolbox software of Tall Building Structures formed get State computer software copyright. The Space of Syntax Analysis of Xiamen Urban Form Development get Xiamen Municipal Science and Technology Progress Third Prize in 2008. Published more than 20 papers about study of Recycling Construction Engineering Resources in Concrete, Engineering Mechanics and other magazines and conferences. The participating project of Experimental study on wall materials made of construction waste get Xiamen Municipal Science and Technology Progress second prize in 2008. Research about durability of structures made a national patent, which is named "Steel corrosion sensors and preparation method and reinforcement corrosion detection method". Published nearly 20 papers in Journal of Southeast University, Fujian Architecture and other magazines and conferences. Published the books of Tall Buildings Structural Engineering Practice - design, construction, infrastructure, construction and Design and Engineering Practice of high-rise Building, based on the results of the project undertaken.

Taught the student of Civil Engineering Reinforced Concrete Structure, Design of High-rise Building Structure, Identification and Reinforcement of Structure, Project Management and other courses, and taught in architecture Structure Selection, Architecture Mechanics and Structural, and other courses. Open school undergraduate elective courses of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and Introduction to Civil Engineering. Taught Nonlinear Analysiscourse to Masters of structure engineering. “Design of Tall Building Structure” get Boutique courses of Xiamen University and Fujian Province. Guiding 17 master students graduate. Guiding students to get outstanding graduates of the China Civil Engineering Society and Xiamen University graduate research third prize.

The main achievements:

1.         The study of plastic design methods of Reinforced Concrete Frames, gained the technological achievements of the State Science and Technology Commission in 1993;

2.         Steel corrosion sensors and preparation method and reinforcement corrosion detection method. People's Republic of China State Intellectual Property Office, Patent No. ZL2007 1 0144120.9, 2010-08-25

3.         The Toolbox Software of Tall Building Structures Formed, Copyright of Computer Software Registration Certificate, Registration Number: 2009SR042752, National Copyright Administration of People's Republic of China.

Research projects:

Presided research:

1.         Strait (Zhangzhou of Fujian) Flower Distribution Center Main Entrance Door and Entrance Plaza Landscape Works, 2012.

2.         Yuzhou 14 # Zone to Transform the Cinema Reinforcement Technology, 2011.

3.         The Construction Plan of Xiangyun Village An’nei Area in Shishi City, in 2009.

4.         The study of Hainan Qinglan Bridge on the role of corrosive environment and the durability of concrete, 2009.

5.         Mortar performance test of masonry structure after ash mortar joint, 2008.

6.         Investigation and research of high-rise buildings in Xiamen, 2006.

7.         The research of space syntax analysis and fractal of Xiamen city form evolution, 2005.

8.         The testing of Xiamen original zhonggu mountain tunnel, 2005.

9.         The first JC6 construction project quality testing of Xiamen Airport Road, 2005.

10.     The research of overrun high-rise buildings in Xiamen area, 2004.

Participating in research projects

1.         The Research of Steel / Concrete Interface, the Corrosion Mechanism and Testing Technology (50731004), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007.

2.         The Inspection and Monitoring Technology and Its Engineering Applications of Marine Engineering Structures Corrosion and Protection (2007BAB27B04-N43CTT), National Science and Technology National Support Program, 2007.

3.         The Study on Risk Assessment and Prevention Countermeasures of Bay City Suffered Storm Surges and the Tsunami Disaster, 2006.

4.         The study on the Application of Donglanxing Silica Fume in Marine Concrete, in 2005.

5.         Steel Corrosion Mechanism and its Research Methods in Concrete, preliminary studies of Science and Technology Department’s major projects, 2005.

This monograph:

1)         Shi Jianguang: The achieving way of high-rise building structures’ Resources and technology, the Twenty-second National High-rise Building Structures Academic Exchange, 24-27 October 2012, in Xiamen.

2)         Shi Jianguang, Deng Hua, Ye Zhiming: Experimental Study on Grouting Reinforcement of Masonry Structure, the Sixth National Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Engineering Symposium. That is the Second Cross-strait Young Scholars Seminar on Earthquake Engineering, 9-10 August, 2012, Harbin.

3)         Shi Jianguang, Yang Dishan, Structure Design of Xiamen Little Egret Art Center, Fujian Construction, Issue 9, 2012, Pages: 46-48.

4)         Shi JianguangThe high-rise future is here nowChina DailyUpdated: 2011-12-30 07:40.

5)         Jianguang ShiThe Demand and Requirements of Environment and Resource on the High-Rise Building StructureCTBUH 2011 World Conference, Seoul, Korea10-12 October,

6)         Jianguang Shi, Linlin Hua and Tong Han: Estimation Method of Tall Building Structure System in Architecture Project Design, The Structural Design of Tall and Special BuildingsVolume 20, Issue 6, October 2011, Pages: 661–668.

7)         Jianguang Shi, Tong HanConceiving Methods and Innovative Approaches for Tall Building Structure SystemsThe Structural Design of Tall and Special BuildingsVolume 19, Issue 5, 537–550, August 2010,

8)         Shi Jianguang, Ye Zhiming: Lateral and Seismic Response of Eccentric Steel Support - Reinforced Concrete frame, Industrial Buildings, Issue 1, 106-109,2008 .

9)         Jianguang Shi, Linlin Hua, Shuzhi Lin: Entire Analysis of High-rise Building Structure in Preliminary Design StageThe International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS’2007)17-19 November 2007Shanghai. ISTP Included: BHT08.

10)     Shi Jianguang: a Shi Jianguang: Analysis and Study on the Performance of the Support Frame Structure System, Research Report Collection of Structural Engineering and Vibration, the Ministry of Education key Laboratory of Structure and Vibration in Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University press, Issue 6 2003.

11)     Jian Guang ShiZi Yi ChenThe comparative analysis on anti-seismic design between EBF and frame-shear wall structures, The Fifth International Conference on Tall Building, Hong Kong, Dec. 9-12,1998.

12)     Jian Guang Shi, Zi Yi Chen: Seismic behavior of new-type RC frame: EBF, the Fifth International Conference on Tall Buildings, Hong Kong, Dec. 9-12, 1998.

13)     Shi Jianguang, Deng Hua, Ye Zhiming: The Calculation Analysis of Different Mortar Materials On The Mechanical Properties Of The Grouting Strengthening Masonry Structure, Journal of Mechanics and MEMS, ISSN: 0974-8407 © Serials Publications, 2(2) 2010: pp. 91-99,

14)     Shi Jianguang, Lin Shuzhi, engineering application and development paths of recycled concrete, The Third National academic exchange of recycled concrete, 6-8 September 2012, Qingdao Technological University.

15)     Shi Jianguang, Xu Yuezhou, Ye Zhiming: Micro analysis of aggregate gradation to concrete performance impact, Engineering Mechanics, Issue 4,2009 04.

16)     Shi Jianguang, Deng Hua. Study on estimation and recycling approaches of construction waste after the Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake [J]. Chinese Science and Technology Papers Online Boutique Papers, 2009, 2 (2):150 ~ 157.

17)     Shi Jianguang, Deng Hua. Study on estimation and recycling approaches of construction waste after the Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake, Chinese scientific papers online, http: // serial_number = 200807-166, May 07,2008.

18)     Shi Jianguang, Deng Hua, Lin Shuzhi: An estimation method of construction waste after earthquakes, Construction Technology of Xiamen, Issue 4, 2008, Pages: 40-47.

19)     Shi Jianguang, Deng Hua, Lin Shuzhi: Study on recycling approaches of construction waste after the Wenchuan earthquake, Construction Technology of Xiamen, Issue 4, 2008, Pages: 48-54.

20)     Shi Jianguang, Xu Yuezhou, Lin Shuzhi, Wang Quanmin: Study on technology methods and properties of concrete production made of construction waste, Xiamen construction science and technology, Issue 3, 2008, Pages: 40-47.

21)     Jianguang ShiQingchang ZhouZhiming YeThe Demand And Recycling Approaches Of Construction Material In ChinaWorld Sustainable Building Conference 2008Australia Melbourne21-25 September,2008.

22)     Shi Jianguang, Ye Zhiming, Deng Hua: Method of establishing concrete computational models on concrete meso analysis, The 17th National Conference on Structural Engineering, October 2008, Wuhan.

23)     Shi Jianguang, Zhou Qingchang: Effect of mixed recycled aggregate on concrete properties, The First Academic Exchanges about Study and Application of Recycled Concrete, 18-19 July, 2008, Tongji University.

24)     Shi Jianguang, Zhou Qingchang: The influence of different component materials in the construction waste on the performance of concrete, Issue 6, 2008, Pages: 11-13.

25)     Shi Jianguang, Xu Yuezhou: Experimental study and calculation analysis on the strength and working performance of recycled concrete considering aggregate gradation, Concrete, Issue 1, 2008, Pages: 82-86.

26)     Shi Jianguang, Xu Yuezhou, Lin Shuzhi, Wang Quanmin: Study on technology methods and properties of concrete production made of construction waste, The First Cross-strait Three Concrete Technology Seminar, October 31 - November 1, 2007,Taipei, Taiwan.

27)     Jianguang ShiYeuzhou XuEstimation and forecasting of concrete debris amount in ChinaRESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING 49 (2): 147-158 DEC 2006Resources, Conservation and Recyclingv 49 n 2December 2006p 147-158EI064110164982SCIIDS Number: 100EN.

28)     Shi Jianguang, Lin Tingning: The resistance monitoring technique of rebar corrosion in concrete, The Conference Papers Collection of the Tenth National Construction Engineering Non-destructive Detection Technology, 2008,Guizhou Guiyang of China, Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Institute and Construction Engineering Non-destructive Detection Technology Committee of China Civil Engineering Society.

29)     Shi Jian-GuangWu XuLin Chang-JianLin Ting-NingThe Corrosion Monitoring Using Resistance-Probe Method In The Concrete And Comparing With Electrochemistry-Probe Method, International Conference on Durability of Concrete structures, hangzhou, P.R.China 26-27 November, 2008.

30)     Shi Jianguang, Wu Xu: Classification of environmental effect of coastal concrete structure durability design, The Fifth Technology Forum of the Concrete Structure Durability, 21-23 November, 2006, Nanjing, Journal of Southeast University (Natural science edition) Supplement, P 27-31 EI: 071510547198.

31)     Shi Jianguang: Phased hierarchical design of Coastal concrete structures durability. The Research and Application Seminar of Concrete Engineering Durability, Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Institute and the Concrete Durability Professional Committee of China Civil Engineering Society, 24-27 October, 2006, Chengdu.

32)     Wu Xu, Shi Jianguang: An inspection technique and evaluation overview of the steel corrosion in concrete engineering, The Ninth National Conference of Construction Nondestructive Testing Technology, Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Institute of China Civil Engineering Society, 5-8 November, 2006, Yichang of Hubei.

33)     Shi Jianguang: Differences in coastal high-rise building seismic fortification and durability design, Concrete Structure Durability Design and Assessment Method - The Fourth Technology Forum of Concrete Structure Durability, 12, 2005, Hangzhou.

34)     Shi Jianguang: Durability design method of concrete structures, Science and Technology Forum of "Concrete Structures Durability in Coastal Areas and its Design Method" and " the Sixth National Symposium on Durability of Concrete", May, 2004, Shenzhen.

35)     Fan Li Jie, Shi Jianguang: Design and construction of a theater extraction column reinforcement, The Eleventh Academic Conference of National Identification and Retrofitting of Buildings, October, 2012, Taiyuan of Shanxi.

36)     Yu Zhiyong, Shi Jianguang, Lin Tingning: Problems of stored seismic silo structure identification, The Papers Collection of Tenth National Assessment of Building and Strengthening Academic Exchange, HeFei University of Technology press,1 October, 2010.

37)     Liu Yingda Shi Jianguang: Service life and performance requirements of Coastal high-rise buildings design on seismic and durability, Fujian Construction, Issue 10, 2009, Pages: 86-88.

38)     Hua Linlin, Shi Jianguang, Lin Shuzhi: Research status and reasonable way of structure selection method, "Engineering Mechanics" Supplement, Celebration the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese Mechanical Institute Establishment and the Conference of Chinese Mechanics Institute, 2007; the Sixteenth National Conference on Structural Engineering, 19 October, 2007, Taiyuan of Shanxi.

39)     Han Tong, Shi Jianguang: Commentary on software of computer-aided construction structural members design, "Engineering Mechanics" Supplement, Celebration the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese Mechanical Institute Establishment and the Conference of Chinese Mechanics Institute, 2007; the Sixteenth National Conference on Structural Engineering, 19 October, 2007, Taiyuan of Shanxi.

40)     Hua Linlin, Shi Jianguang: Comparative analysis of Chinese and Japanese seismic design in Concrete frame structure, Fujian Construction, Issue 4, 2006.

41)     Chen Xinxiao, Niu Huotao, Shi Jianguang, Zhu Meisheng: Experimental study and limit analysis of reinforced concrete frame with eccentric braces, Industrial Construction, Issue 3, 2003

42)     Xu Yuezhou, Shi Jianguang: Study of recycled aggregate and recycled concrete performance, Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/Journal of Building Structuresv 27n SUPPLOctober 2006p 26-31EI070410389636

43)     Xu Yue Zhou, Shi Jianguang: Study on the aggregate fractal, Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/Journal of Building Structuresv 27n SUPPLOctober 2006p 37-40EI070410389638

44)     Xu Yue Zhou, Shi Jianguang: Performance analysis and evaluation of recycled aggregate and recycled aggregate concrete, Concrete, Issue 7, 2006

45)     Xu, YZ; Shi, JG: Estimation and forecasting of concrete debris amount in China, International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering-Including Seismic Engineering, ISISS 2005: INNOVATION & SUSTAINABILITY OF STRUCTURES, VOL 1-3

46)     Lin Shuzhi, Yao Jin Lian, Li Mo, Shi Jianguang: Regional Research of Green Building - architectural design of Xiamen LANWAN international residential, Fujian Construction Science & Technology 2008, No 3 12-14

47)     Wu Xu   Shi Jian-Guang   Lin Chang-Jian Monitoring of Rebar Corrosion by Means of the Electrical Resistance Probes, The International Conference on Health Monitoring of Structure, Material and Environment will be held on 16-18 October, 2007, in Southeast University, Nanjing ISTP Included:BGY51

48)     Wu Xu, Shi Jianguang, Lin Changjian: Steel corrosion detection technology and evaluation in concrete engineering, Fujian Construction, issue5, 2007

49)     Lin Shuzhi, Yao Jin Lian, Li end, Shi Jianguang: Analysis on ecological energy saving technology of residential building - Xiamen Lanwan international, Fujian Construction, issue10, 2007, Pages: 1-3

50)     The Design and Engineering Practice of High-rise Building , Deputy editor in chief, China Building Industry Press, January, 2009, ISBN: 7-80227-497-6

51)     The Engineering Practice of High-rise Building Structure—Design, Structure, Foundation , construction, Deputy editor in chief, Chinese Building Materials Industry Press, March 2006, ISBN: 7-80227-016-2

Academic lectures:

Construction Project Bidding and Evaluation, 8 may, 2009, Xiamen University School of Management EDP,  The Project Management Seminar of Ganzhou leading cadres.

Honors and Awards:

1.         Obtained “outstanding achievements in science and technology” and “outstanding young intellectuals” title of science and Technology Commission and the Communist Youth League in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, in 1995.

2.         Get outstanding teaching award, Xiamen University the Jiageng College, during the 2006-2007 academic years,

3.         Space syntax analysis of Xiamen form development. Gained the third prize of scientific and technological progress award in Xiamen in 2008

4.         Experimental research on wall materials made of construction waste. Gained the second prize of scientific and technological progress award in Xiamen in 2008.

5.         Resistance probe monitoring technology of the steel corrosion in concrete, June 2010. Get gold award of both sides of the Taiwan Straits employee innovation achievements exhibition.

Design works:


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